RT-Thread is an open source real-time operating system for embedded devices from China. RT-Thread RTOS is a scalable real-time operating system: a tiny kernel for ARM Cortex-M0, Cortex-M3/4, or a full feature system in ARM Cortex-A8, ARM Cortex-A9 DualCor
- Object oriented real-time core (while remaining the elegant and flexible style of C Programming Language);
- 8, 32 or 256 priority scheduling multi-thread scheduling; Using the round-robin policy ensures that all threads having the same priority level will be scheduled equally;
- Synchronization of threads: semaphore and mutual exclusion semaphore (mutex) to prevent priority inversion;
- Complete and efficient support for communication between threads, including mailbox, message queues, event flag;
- Static memory management supports thread suspend/resume when it allocates/frees a memory block and thread-safe dynamic heap management;
- A device driver framework to provide standard interface to high level application;
Sample projects and resources
- ART. ART is an Arduino like board with STM32F407VGT6 (ARM Cortex-M4) chip. RT-Thread RTOS is running as a platform in this board. Arduino hardware/software compatible. 32bit ARM Cortex-M4 with FPU. Running multi-Arduino Program in parallel.
- awtk. AWTK = Toolkit AnyWhere(a cross-platform embedded GUI).
- FlexibleButton. 灵活的按键处理库(Flexible Button)| 按键驱动 | 支持单击、双击、连击、长按、自动消抖 | 灵活适配中断和低功耗 | 按需实现组合按键.
- MQ. D1s small board: MQ for RT-Thread customized.
- DIY_projects_base_on_RT-Thread. 一些基于 RT-Thread 开发的 DIY 项目.
- LittlevGL2RTT. The littlevgl graphics library for RT-Thread. | 基于 RT-Thread 移植的littlevgl图形库..
- 2019-Electronic-Design-Competition. 【电赛】2019 全国大学生电子设计竞赛 (F题)纸张数量检测装置 (基于STM32F407 & FDC2214 & USART HMI).
- RT-Thread-wrapper-of-uCOS-III. RT-Thread操作系统的uCOS-III兼容层 | uCOS-III RTOS Application Compatibility Layer (ACL) for RT-Thread.
- nuclei-sdk. Nuclei RISC-V Software Development Kit.
- RTduino. Arduino Ecosystem Compatibility Layer for RT-Thread | RT-Thread的Arduino生态兼容层.
- IoT_Camera. IoT Camera with Wi-Fi, RT-Thread.
- rt-u8g2. U8g2 for rt-thread - a monochrome graphics library.
- ZJ-SDK-RT-Thread-NORDIC. 基于RT-Thread操作系统在子敬电子ZJ-TEK系列开发板的软件开发包.
- Lua2RTT. Lua port package for RT-Thread. .
- Arduino_RT-Thread. RT-Thread library optimized for Arduino..
- ZJ-RT-Thread-NIMBLE-NORDIC. 基于RT-Thread操作系统的开源BLE5.0(mynewt-nimble)在nordic平台上的应用.
- RT-Thread-wrapper-of-uCOS-II. RT-Thread操作系统的uCOS-II兼容层 | uCOS-II RTOS Application Compatibility Layer (ACL) for RT-Thread.
- buildpkg. Quick build rt-thread pkg toolkits. | 快速构建rt-thread pkg工具集. .
- tree-core-cpu. A series of RISC-V soft core processor written from scratch. Now, we’re using all open-source toolchain (chisel, mill, verilator, NEMU, AM and difftest framework, etc) to design and verify. .
- micropython_for_pandora. 🍭 IoT Board 潘多拉开发板上功能强大的 MicroPython 固件.
- optparse. getopt-like command-line parameter parser for RT-Thread.
- rt-rosserial. rosserial on RT-Thread (ROS1)..
- rt-thread-syswatch. syswatch : A component used to ensure the long-term normal running of the system.
- FreeRTOS-Wrapper. RT-Thread操作系统的FreeRTOS兼容层 | FreeRTOS Application Compatibility Layer (ACL) for RT-Thread.
- rtt-bc28-mqtt. MQTT package based on Quectel BC28 AT model.
- picorv32_tang. A 32-bit RISC-V SoC on FPGA that supports RT-Thread..
- TensorflowLiteMicro. Tensorflow Lite Micro is a DL inference framework for microcontrollers based on Google Tensorflow Lite.
- K210. Kendryte K210 BSP for RT-Thread.
- rtpkg_list. 收集有趣的、有用的、方便移植的开源仓库,大家有兴趣可以尝试移植到RT-Thread。.
- micro_ros. MicroROS on RT-Thread (ROS2)..
- thread_pool. a thread pool base on RT-Thread | 基于 RT-Thread 的线程池实现.
- rtt_rust. 使用rust开发rt-thread app.
- rt_vsnprintf_full. rt_vsnprintf完整功能版本 | Fully functional version of rt_vsnprintf.
- MpyOnRtt. MicroPython port for RT-Thread on STM32F4 board.
- Qfplib-M0-tiny. A free ARM Cortex-M0 floating-point library in 1 kbyte.
- picorv32_EG4S20. A 32-bit RISC-V SoC on FPGA that supports RT-Thread..
- rtthread_deep_analysis. 解析 RT-Thread 操作系统,分析功能模块实现过程中的数据结构。.
- minizip. zip manipulation library | zip压缩解压库.
- rt_kprintf_threadsafe. rt_kprintf线程安全版本.
- rt_memcpy_cm. rt_memcpy Cortex-M 汇编加速版.
- hbird_e203_tang. A 32bit RISC-V SoC on FPGA (EG4S20) that supports RT-Thread..
- rttrust. Rust wrapper for rt-thread.
- Qfplib-M0-full. A free, fast and compact ARM Cortex-M0 floating-point library.
- lv_demo_music. LVGL music player demo for RT-Thread | LVGL音乐播放器演示示例(RT-Thread定制版).
- ESP8266-RT-Thread. It’s a open source repository, which decribes running RT-Thread on ESP8266..
- ZJ_RT_Thread_NimBLE_LittlevGL_Nordic. 基于RT-Thread操作系统的开源BLE5.0(mynewt-nimble)+开源GUI LittlevGL在nordic nrf52840平台上的应用.
- micropython_for_w601. 🍭 W601 IoT Board 开发板 RT-Thread MicroPython 固件.
- CMSIS_RTOS2. RT-Thread操作系统的CMSIS-RTOS2兼容层 | CMSIS-RTOS2 Application Compatibility Layer (ACL) for RT-Thread.
- FCTC-ART-Pi-Code. Learn IoT From Chip To Cloud with ART-Pi.
- rtt-ssd1306. RT-Thread package for working with OLEDs based on SSD1306, SH1106, SH1107 and SSD1309, supports I2C and SPI. Inspired by stm32-ssd1306..
- rtt-pmsxx. Plantower PMSxx family sensor driver for RT-Thread.
- RTT_MH1903. RT-Thread for MH1903.
- rtt-sgp30. Support SGP30 Multi-Pixel Gas Sensor which can ouput TVOC and eCO2 data.
- rtt-dhtxx. Digital Humidity and Temperature sensor (communicate via single bus), including DHT11, DHT21 and DHT22.
- pinout-generator. RTduino pinout generator.
- rt-thread_linux_env. rt-thread 持续集成 docker环境 .
- termbox. Termbox for RT-Thread | Library for writing text-based user interfaces.
- RT-Hypervisor. RT-Hypervisor: A real-time hypervisor for automotive embedded system.
- W601_RT-thread_Alarm. RT-Thread软件包赛作品–小闹钟,使用正点原子W601开发板完成.
- micropython_for_sparrow_one. :bird: Sparrow one micropython develop board firmware..
- Qfplib-M3. A free, fast and accurate ARM Cortex-M3 floating-point library.
- uC-Modbus-for-RT-Thread. Micrium uC/Modbus for RT-Thread.
- rtt-ds3231. ds3231 driver for rt-thread.
- rtt-littled. Little LED Daemon for RT-Thread.
- rtt-rx8900. rx8900 driver for rt-thread.
- canfestival-rtt. canfestival在RTT操作系统上的优化代码,对通信异常做了处理.
- proj24-rt-smart-porting. 将支持MMU虚拟内存机制的RT-Thread Smart移植到RISC-V模拟器和真机上。.
- uC-CRC-for-RT-Thread. Micrium uC/CRC for RT-Thread.
- rtt-gp2y10. Support the Particulate Matter sensor for GP2Y1010AU0F and GP2Y1014AU0F.
- rtt-ccs811. CCS811 sensor driver for RT-Thread.
- rtt_tetris. Playing tetris on RT-Thread FinSH..
- paj7620. PAJ7620 module package for RTT.
- W600_RT-Thread_Smart_fingerprint_lock. W600-RT-Thread智能指纹门锁.
- rt-thread-get_irq_priority. 在RT-thread中获取Cortex®-M内核的中断优先级.
- uC-Common-for-RT-Thread. Micrium uC/Common for RT-Thread.
- rtt-vl53l0x. Time of Flight sensor driver for VL53L0X.
- donut. a 3D spinning donut.
- iotsharp-rtthread-package. 在RT-Thread中对接IoTSharp的SDK.
- Ppool. 基于pthread的线程池库.
- CMSIS_RTOS1. RT-Thread操作系统的CMSIS-RTOS1兼容层 | CMSIS-RTOS1 Application Compatibility Layer (ACL) for RT-Thread.
- threes. RT-Thread终端益智类游戏 | An indie puzzle video game runs on RT-Thread console .
- uC-Clk-for-RT-Thread. Micrium uC/Clk for RT-Thread.
- rtt-bme680. BME680 sensor package for RT-Thread.
- rtt-libfilter. Digital filter algorithm library for RT-Thread.
- rtt-sgm706. SGM706 Independent watchdog package for RT-Thread.
- aclock. A Terminal Clock.
- hdc1000. TI HDC1000 package for RT-Thread.
- STM32F407VET6. 这是 STM32F407VETx 的rt-thread 的工程模板。.
- rtt-tmp1075. tmp1075 driver for rt-thread.
- rtt-tca9534. tca9534 driver for RT-Thread.
- PANDORA. 演示如何在正点原子的潘多拉开发板上对接IoTSharp .
- c2048. RT-Thread终端益智类游戏 | An indie puzzle video game runs on RT-Thread console .
- rtt-iot-board. IoT Board (stm32l475-atk-pandora) running RT-Thread.
- myTest. my first test on github.
- rtt-fbtft. RT-Thread Framebuffer drivers for small TFT LCD display modules.
- rtt-math. Mathematics Library for RT-Thread.
- rtt-validator. A validation algorithm library for RT-Thread.
Website: http://www.rt-thread.org/
Source code: https://github.com/RT-Thread/rt-thread
License: Apache-2.0
RT-Thread Platforms
- x86
- PowerPC
- Andes
RT-Thread Components
- FileSystem
- Network
- AT Commands
- Command Line Interface
- Runtime Analysis
- USBHost
- USBDevice