NuttX is a real-time operating system (RTOS) with an emphasis on standards compliance and small footprint. Scalable from 8-bit to 32-bit microcontroller environments, the primary governing standards in NuttX are Posix and ANSI standards.
- Standards Compliant.
- Core Task Management.
- Modular, micro-kernel.
- Fully pre-emptible.
- Naturally scalable.
- Highly configurable.
- Easily extensible to new processor architectures, SoC architecture, or board architectures. See Porting Guide.
- FIFO and round-robin scheduling.
- Realtime, deterministic, with support for priority inheritance.
- POSIX/ANSI-like task controls, named message queues, counting semaphores, clocks/timers, signals, pthreads, environment variables, filesystem.
- VxWorks-like task management and watchdog timers.
- BSD socket interface.
- Extensions to manage pre-emption.
- Optional tasks with address environments (Processes).
- Inheritable
Sample projects and resources
- PX4. PX4 is an independent, open-source, open-hardware project aiming at providing a high-end autopilot to the academic, hobby and industrial communities (BSD licensed) at low costs and high availability.
- HOWTO: Installing NuttX on the STM32F4 Discovery board (using Debian Linux). Installed the NuttX RTOS on a new STM32F4 Discovery board.
- Running NuttX on a less than U$2.00 board. Running NuttX on a STM32 Minimum System Development Board.
- CC3200 development on Linux with NuttX. This article shows how to compile and install NuttX real-time OS to CC3200 launchpad using Fedora (24) Linux.
- spresense. Spresense SDK source code.
- pinephone-nuttx. Apache NuttX RTOS for PinePhone.
- spresense-nuttx. NuttX fork for Spresense.
- pinephone-emulator. Emulate PinePhone and Apache NuttX RTOS with Unicorn Emulator.
- zig-bl602-nuttx. Zig on RISC-V BL602 with Apache NuttX RTOS and LoRaWAN.
- luavgl. lua + lvgl = luavgl An optimized lvgl Lua binding.
- NuttX-apps. Standard NuttX apps with current PX4 patches.
- Rust’s std library like wrapper for NuttX.
- pinephone-lvgl-zig. LVGL for PinePhone (and WebAssembly) with Zig and Apache NuttX RTOS.
- nuttx-star64. Apache NuttX RTOS for Pine64 Star64 64-bit RISC-V SBC (StarFive JH7110).
- smoothie-nuttx. A version of nuttx used by smoothie-v2.
- zig-lvgl-nuttx. Zig LVGL Touchscreen App on Apache NuttX RTOS.
- cst816s-nuttx. Hynitron CST816S Touch Controller Driver for Apache NuttX RTOS.
- rust-i2c-nuttx. Rust talks I2C to Bosch BME280 Sensor on Apache NuttX RTOS.
- visual-zig-nuttx. Visual Programming for Zig with NuttX Sensors.
- rust_test. Rust Test App for Apache NuttX OS.
- rust-nuttx. Rust Stub Library for Apache NuttX OS.
- nuttx-embedded-hal. Rust Embedded HAL for Apache NuttX RTOS.
- pinedio-stack-nuttx. PineDio Stack BL604 RISC-V Board on Apache NuttX RTOS.
- NuttX-Chinese. NuttX 实时操作系统 官方网站
- nuttx_api_examples. nuttx api examples.
- nuttx-riscv64. Apache NuttX RTOS on 64-bit RISC-V.
- FMoto. FM Transmitter for Moto Mod Developer Production..
- st7789-nuttx. ST7789 and LVGL Demo for Apache NuttX RTOS.
- remote-bl602. Flash and test BL602 remotely via a Linux Single-Board Computer.
- pinephone-nuttx-usb. PinePhone USB Driver for Apache NuttX RTOS.
- mcontrol. PX4/NuttX application to control PX4 Quadcopter internally without any external companion computer.
- bl602_adc. BL602 ADC and Temperature Sensor Library for Apache NuttX OS.
- bl602_expander. GPIO Expander for BL602 / BL604 on Apache NuttX RTOS.
- nxscli. A command-line client to the Apache NuttX NxScope real-time logging module.
- lorawan_test. LoRaWAN Test App for Apache NuttX OS.
- bl602_adc_test. Test App for BL602 ADC and Temperature Sensor Library for Apache NuttX OS.
- sx1262_test. LoRa Test App for Semtech SX1262 and Apache NuttX OS.
- bme280-nuttx. Apache NuttX Driver for Bosch BME280 I2C Sensor (Temperature + Humidity + Air Pressure) ported from Zephyr OS.
- ikea_air_quality_sensor. IKEA VINDRIKTNING Air Quality Sensor connected to LoRaWAN and The Things Network with Apache NuttX OS.
- sama5d27resource. SAMA5D2 development resources, useful demo and experience sharing.
- lvglterm. LVGL Terminal for PinePhone on Apache NuttX RTOS.
- tinycbor_test. TinyCBOR Test App for Apache NuttX OS.
- lvgltest-nuttx. LVGL Test App for Apache NuttX RTOS.
- riscv-emu. RISC-V emulator that is written in Rust. Support Linux, xv6, NuttX, FreeRTOS, Zephyr OS etc..
- Apache-NuttX-Getting-Started. Getting Started with Apache NuttX on Ubuntu/WSL2 (Windows).
- Nuttx-7.15-mini. This is modified version of nuttx 7.15. Add support for 正点原子战舰mini开发板.
- nshtask. Apache NuttX RTOS: NSH Task Demo.
- sf2000-nuttx. This is an attempt to port NuttX RTOS to the Data Frog SF2000..
- nuttx. My experiments with Nuttx.
- nuttx_microbit. Memos that how to porting nuttx on microbit.
- Afan_SAME70_MicroPython. MicroPython V1.12 on Microchip SAME70Q21/SAMV71Q21 MCU..
- nxslib. A client library to the Apache NuttX NxScope module.
- nuttx_esp32_wsl2. Repository with environment to build nuttx for esp32 in windows using wal2.
- nuttx-dev-docker. Nuttx development environment using Docker container..
- stm32_m. STM32F334 custom NuttX board low level drivers.
Source code:
License: Apache License 2.0
NuttX Platforms
- 8051
- x86
- Xtensa
- Freescale HCS12
- Zilog
NuttX Components
- FileSystem
- Network
- Command Line Interface
- USBHost
- USBDevice