Mongoose OS
Mongoose OS - an open source Operating System for Internet of Things. Supported microcontrollers: ESP32, ESP8266, CC3220, CC3200, STM32F4. Amazon AWS IoT & Google IoT Core integrated. Code in C or JavaScript.
- Over-The-Air updates and remote management - OTA firmware updates with rollback on failures; RPC infrastructure for the full remote control;
- Security - built in flash encryption, crypto chip support ARM mbedTLS optimized for small memory footprint;
- Device management dashboard service - for tracking your fleet. On-prem option is available;
- Supported microcontrollers: CC3220, CC3200, ESP32, ESP8266, STM32F4;
- Recommended dev kits: ESP32-DevKitC for AWS IoT, ESP32 Kit for Google IoT Core;
- IoT cloud integration. Built in support for: AWS IoT, Google IoT Core, Microsoft Azure, Samsung Artik, Adafruit IO, Generic MQTT/Restful;
- Code in C or JavaScript;
- Ready to go Apps and Libraries;
- Embedded JavaScript engine - mJS;
Sample projects and resources
- mgos-to-tasmota. A minimal firmware for OTA (over the air) flashing Tasmota, HAA, or ESPurna from Mongoose OS or compatible firmware types..
- tasmota-to-mgos. A minimal firmware for OTA (over the air) flashing Mongoose OS from Tasmota, Tuya stock, or compatible firmware types..
- weather-station-gcp-mongoose-os. A Weather station made with an ESP32, sending data through Google Cloud IoT Core and storing in BigQuery.
- mel-ac. Mitsubishi Electric AC (air conditioner unit) and ATW (air to water unit) control library for Mongoose OS.
- sonoff-basic-openhab. A Sonoff Basic firmware to work with openHAB.
- aqua-app. Fish tank automation.
- PIR-Monitor. ESP8266 PIR monitor with deep sleep and RTC memory store.
- pellet-aws-iot. 🔥 Mongoose OS firmware for ESP32 to connect a pellet stove (Micronova) to AWS IoT. Implemented for a Piazzetta P937 model. (WIP).
- losant-mqtt-mongoose-os. This is an example Mongoose OS app that connects to Losant via MQTT..
- IoTea. IoT system for growing a tea plant..
- mgos_telegram. Telegram Bot API for Mongoose OS.
- timezones. A Mongoose-OS library which will set the cryptic ‘sys.tz_spec’ from a human readable notation..
- mongoose_os_playground. Playground app for Mongoose OS - ESP 32 & ESP8266.
- esp-temp. :thermometer: A Mongoose OS app for sending temperature readings of ESP devices to Losant..
- losant-temp-sensor. :thermometer: A Mongoose OS app for sending temperature readings of ESP32 to Losant..
- arduino-rf24. The nRF24L01 library for Arduino ported to Mongoose OS.
- LilyGo-HiGrow-Sensor-v1. Use this code with MongooseOS and the LilyGo HiGrow ESP32 Plant Monitoring Sensor board (v1) to obtain sensor readings and control LED’s.
- LilyGo-HiGrow-Sensor-v1. LilyGo HiGrow ESP32 Plant Monitoring Sensor Firmware (Hardware v1).
- mos-native. Build Mongoose OS apps without docker to speed up process.
- mgos-combine. Combine all parts of a Mongoose OS firmware ZIP-file into a single binary.
- losant-mqtt. Losant + Mongoose OS example.
- mgos_skeleton. Mongoose OS Initial project skeleton.
- sonoff-http. Alternative firmware for the ITEAD Sonoff Wi-Fi Remote Control Smart Switch.
- mosmqtt_wakeonlan. Mongoose OS app designed to run on esp8266 to help you wake your PCs remotely in a secure manner..
- mongoose-os-docker. Docker container with the Mongoose OS (mos) tool.
- esp32-experiments. A set of ESP32 experiments.
- mgos-alexa-wemo. A Mongoose OS library emulating WEMO UPnP plugs in Amazon Alexa.
- iot-workshop. Resources for e-Yantra IoT workshop.
- mel-ac-demo. Demo app for the MEL-AC library. Controll Mitsubishi Electirc AC and AWT unit using Mongoose OS RPC.
- mongoose-os-x. ‘x’ stands for extended. Mongoose OS extended to support STM32F446RE.
- coffee-bin-mqtt. MQTT sensor project for coffee-bin.
- mos_programs. Mongoose-OS.
- mjs-array. Partial Array prototype polyfill for mJS engine.
- mjs-polyfill. Mongoose os example project with standardization polyfill.
- mongoose-os-action. Github action with mongoose-os environment and mos tool.
- arduino-ir. Mongoose-OS IR Library.
- mgos-sgp30. A Sensirion’s SGP30 Mongoose OS library.
- Den_Trai_Tim. Đèn Trái Tim (HeartLight).
- common-tools. A bunchs of tools and routines in C as well as in mJS always needed in every project..
- mongoose-os-libs-ir. IR library for Mongoose OS.
- hc-sr04test. HC-SR04 Ultrasonic module test with Mongoose OS.
- stm32f4_experimental_mgos_app. Running Mongoose OS app on STM32F446RE platform..
- Mongoose-OS-LIS3DH. Arduino Adafruit LIS3DH library for Mongoose OS.
- arduino-adafruit-epd. Adafruit E-Paper / E-Ink Library for Mongoose OS.
- qdbm. QDBM Library for Mongoose OS
- mgos-sdcard-port. A port for ESP32 Arduino’s SD.h and FS.h libraries to Mongoose OS..
- mongoose-os-samples. Exemplos de uso do Mongoose-os no ESP32.
- homey. My Smart Home hardware/firmware projects (2nd edition).
- ESP32Firmware. Part of the Chrono-thermostat project for the course of “Project and laboratories on communication systems”..
- led-matrix. A MongooseOS ledMatrix implementation.
- mongoose-ds3231. Mongoose OS I2C driver for the DS3231 real-time clock.
- mongoose-ws2812b. Mongoose OS driver for the WS2812B (aka NeoPixel) RGB LED strip.
- MAX17263. A mongoose OS library to talk to MAX17263..
- mjs-testing. mJS engine script testing framework.
- esp-enum. Enumerate ESP8266 and ESP32 according their MAC address and chip id.
- hx711-mgos-test. A mongoose OS app to test HX711 library ported from Arduino..
- max17263-mgos-test. Mongoose os app to test MAX17263 library ported from Arduino..
- mjs-math. Partial Math object polyfill for mJS engine.
- esp32_nextion_js_binary_clock. A binary clock driven by an ESP32 microcontroller and a Nextion display, utilizing Mongoose OS and JavaScript technology.
- rainnow-core. rainnow api server.
- mongoose-mlx90614. MLX90614 (GY-906) sensor on Mongoose OS, publish to MQTT..
- compteur-velib. Compteur de velibs pour ESP8266.
- mgos-combine-action. Github Action to combine all parts of a Mongoose OS firmware ZIP-file into a single binary..
- mongoose-button-switch. A Mongoose OS project using MQTT to integrate with AWS IoT.
- cloudhome-firmware. Cloudhome is a (WIP) home automation system.
- auth-post-c. A mongoose OS application that has three HTTP endpoints with digest access authentication..
- nodemcu. Base IoT framework fot NodeMCU.
- To-Do-List. A To-do list created over Node.js, Express.js and MongoDB Atlas..
- robotcar. This app uses Mongoose OS to drive a small off-the-shelf, two-wheels car robot..
- mgos-ltc68xx. LTC68xx battery monitoring chip communication library for Mongoose OS.
- audio-input-selector. ESP32 audio input selector using Mongoose OS..
- leilei. Room sensing and MQTT publish. with MongooseOS.
- piCam. Raspberry Pi GCP IoT Device & ML execution. .
- mos-esp8266. General sensor node based on Mongoose OS and ESP8266 hardware.
- energymon-js. Energy monitor based on energy counter LED pulses.
- mgos_libskeleton. Mongoose OS Initial library skeleton.
- swarmsense-mongoose-test. Example to integrate SwarmSense IoT Platform with Mongoose OS..
- mgos-bme680. A Bosch Sensortec’s BME680 Mongoose OS library.
- energymon-c. Energy monitor based on energy counter LED pulses.
- mos-aws. ESP8266 - AWS IoT - UART0 - Thing Shadow.
- mgos-hlw8012. A Mongoose OS library for HLW8012 and BL0937 energy sensors..
- mongoose-mqtt-ssd1306. MongooseOS: Display MQTT message on SSD1306.
- mgos-environment-logger. Environment logger for Mongoose OS using BME280 sensor logging data to ThingSpeak..
- ElectricityDisplay. Display for an electricity monitor publishing to an MQTT topic.
- mgos-envsensors. Demonstrates the BME680 and SGP30 sensors delivering data to AWS IoT.
- ds18b20-mgos-test. Mongoose OS library for DS18B20 temperature sensor.
- torrent. Torrent projects.
- HX711. A mongoose OS library for talking to HX711 (Arduino Port).
- empty-mos-app. An empty mongoose os app template repository.
- mongoose-cron-app. This is cron job app for Mongoose OS.
- pppos-mgos-test. An application to test internet connectivity with GSM module using the PPPoS protocol.
- websocket-mgos-test. Mongoose OS WebSocket client application.
- mcp2515-mgos-test. Mongoose os app to test MCP2515 CAN library ported from Arduino..
- mgos_relay. Mongoose OS Relay library.
- uart-out-mgos-test. An MGOS app to periodically push data via UART interface.
Source code:
License: GPL v2
Mongoose OS Platforms
- Xtensa
Mongoose OS Components
- FileSystem
- Network