Huawei LiteOS is a lightweight open-source IoT OS and a smart hardware development platform. It simplifies IoT device development and device connectivity, makes services smarter, delivers superb user experience, and provides better data protection. Huawei LiteOS is designed for smart homes, wearables, IoV, and intelligent manufacturing applications.
- Lightweight Kernels: Smaller Kernel Size, Lower Power Consumption, and Faster Response
- Sensor Frameworks: Lower Delay, Higher Precision, and Intelligent sensing
Sample projects and resources
- awtk. AWTK = Toolkit AnyWhere(a cross-platform embedded GUI).
- iot-codelabs. Huawei CodeLab - IoT.
- Intelligent-Building-Fire-Protection-System-based-on-LiteOS-and-NB-IoT. 该项目是一个基于华为LiteOS的智慧楼宇消防系统,主要技术包含传感器,LiteOS, NB-IoT, 2G, 华为云等。.
- liteos-bluepillplus. Huawei LiteOS on GD32F303CCT6.
- LiteOSv5.0_CMake. LiteOS 5.0 CMake Project (default mcu: STM32F407ZG).
- WatchTronome. A LiteOS app for Huawei Watch GT2 Pro which allows you to obtain a metronome that acts by making the watch vibrate.
Source code:
License: BSD
LiteOS Platforms
LiteOS Components
- None