IUP is a portable toolkit for building graphical user interfaces. It offers a configuration API in three basic languages: C, Lua and LED. IUP purpose is to allow a program to be executed in different systems without any modification.


  • Simplicity: due to the small number of functions and to its attribute mechanism, the learning curve for a new user is often faster.
  • Portability: the same functions are implemented in each one of the platforms, thus assuring the interface system’s portability.
  • Customization: the dialog specification language (LED) and the Lua binding (IupLua) are two mechanisms in which it is possible to customize an application for a specific user with a simple-syntax text file.
  • Flexibility: its abstract layout mechanism provides flexibility to dialog creation.
  • Extensibility: the programmer can create new interface elements as needed.


  • iup. Common Lisp CFFI bindings to the IUP Portable User Interface library (pre-ALPHA).
  • IUPforZig. IUP (Portable User Interface Toolkit) bindings for the Zig language..
  • viup. A V wrapper for the cross-platform UI library, IUP..
  • niup. IUP FFI bindings for Nim .
  • php-iup. php binding for IUP toolkit.
  • nim-iup-examples. Nim GUI examples using IUP.
  • IUPMetadata. This project aims to collect rich metadata information about IUP’s elements, enabling code-gen tools to create type-checked bindings for any programing language..
  • iup. D language: A binding to IUP, a portable Graphical User Interface toolkit..
  • nDustman. •Junk sites URL generator•.
  • recodenc. Кодировщик кириллицы для EU4/CK2.
  • luajit-iup. IUP binding for LuaJIT.
  • DTMail. Mail Server (SMTP/POP3) for developers of mail clients for local testing and developing purposes.
  • genie-machine. The Genie Machine is/will be a simple cross-platform Genealogy Database program written in C.
  • tecgraf-base. Tecgraf library (IUP, IM, CD) base functionality.
  • iup_example. Lua IUP шаблон для сборки в flatpak.
  • do. Weekly schedule in C. Works in a command line dialog fashion. Implementing visual interface using IUP (Portable User Interface). Working to expand it to a monthly and even yearly schedule.